2nd Annual 24 Hours of Music Jamboree South Orange, NJ

24 Hours of Music Live Music 2018 – Live MusicBender in South Orange NJ.
The 2nd Annual 2018 24 Hours of Music Festival of Live Music started on May 5th at Noon and ran to Noon May 6th. This is a free all day, all night and all morning event where everyone is invited to come on out and watch music being made all day long in multiple locations around South Orange, NJ. This year, we added a special day of Jazz On Sloan at the South Orange Gazebo, culminating with a 4 hour jazz jam where jazz musicians and vocalists were invited to come on out and jam.
In addition to live bands all day, other special community participation events are an early afternoon Drum Circle, and R&B Community Jam, a Capoeira Music and Dance session, a later afternoon Karaoke hour where the community is invited to come on out and sing your best, an evening 2 hour DJ Dance Party where all are invited to come shake and dance your feet off.
Overnight into the wee hours of the morning folks were able to listen to a band of strays play some easy listening music, enjoy some shuffle, jump and moan at the Gazebo at starting 1 AM, then ease into some easy jazz music till 6 AM.
We then rounded out Sunday morning with some indiviudal performances with some popular music pieces, some R&B, a Sunday Morning Jazz Brunch at the Village Diner and then we closed out the final hurs of the 24 Hours, with two hours of some Blues music with some local blues heavy hitters.
A truly wonderful day of music.
24hoursofmusic #livemusiccapital #southorangenj supportlivemusic #livemusic#southorangevillageceter #201824hoursofivemusic #jazzonsloan #soundsinspiotta #spiottapark #downtownaftersundown #musicians #southorangegazebo #gregoryburrusaroundtown

LiveMusicBender – 24 Hours of Live Music Festival in South Orange New Jersey From Noon on May 5th Until Noon on May 6th
Join us for 24 Hours of Creating Live Music Across South Orange NJ. Musicians of various musical genres across Northern Jersey will converge upon South Orange, NJ and join in making music, having fun, all day, all night while supporting the ArtBender weekend. ArtBender is a series of creative events that raise funds for Arts Unbound programs and promote art in our daily lives. This 24 Hours of Music Festival of Live Music is a Voluntary Event where you are invited to come on out and make Live Music in the heart of Downtown South Orange, New Jersey. If you are interested in playing, it can be a half hour. an hour, 2 hours or help us out and play from 2AM to 5 AM, You let us know what you are thinking and what time you want to play. We will use a few selected locations around town, it’s purely voluntary and you will help raise funds for a worthy cause.
Invite your friends and neighbors and have an overnight party in Spiotta Park or join our Karaoke party during the day in Spiotta Park. Want to sing along with a DJ and showcase your talents, your band then this is for you? Want to conduct a drum circle, sing outdoor early Sunday morning with your choir? You can also sing solo with your tracks. Want to sing a tune outside your favorite South Orange store? All ideas and genres of music are a possibility. We will have a few venues, or you suggest a venue to use.
Contact Gregory Burrus via FB Msg or Send an email to 24hoursofmusicsouthorange@gmail.com